Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Tom's wheels

Tom decided he was fed up of having to rely on taxi's and auto rickshaws to get to and from work, so he has bought himself a blue Pulsar motor bike! According to him it's only a small one, however all his work mate's seem to reckon its quite big really.

In Pune and as in a lot of India, it isn't compulsory to wear a helmet when riding so you very rarely see people wearing one. However, Tom has said he will go in search of a helmet as soon as possible, as he knows what its like to come off a bike and it's better to be safe than sorry. There's no way I'm going to get on the back of it without one either. Back in the UK I'd refused to get on Tom's bike but I am warming to it and may just give it a go. I've got to get a bit braver and it'll give us both more independence if I do, plus Tom would really like me to.

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